Did you know 90% of event venues which offer their own coffee service will permit an outside sourced coffee service provider if you ask!
Some venues will charge a fee for this, however, it is still worth considering since direct providers will often still be cheaper or on par with pricing including the fee.
If you are currently utilising your venues coffee service for your events… you may want to consider the following 6 x Benefits of sourcing your own coffee service:
1. Profitability – If you are an event planner who is likely to be booking multiple events every year and your bigger events require a coffee cart service, then if you’re not being offered a significant discount off the regular retail price then it’s time to shop around!
2. Dedicated to Coffee – the most obvious and yet… probably the most important benefit is FOCUS! We have a great relationship with the venues we work at based on a clear understanding… they are great at being a venue provider and we excel at providing a great coffee service. Our baristas live for coffee, just ask them!
3. Professionally Trained – Our baristas are not part time baristas who usually work behind the bar. They come to us with experience and are continuously improving their skills with ongoing training. With over 10 years in the industry, we have seen a huge difference in the skill levels of baristas and when your see situations where baristas have been told not to adjust the grinder we know the coffees not going to be great!
4 . Speed and Accuracy – Great coffee is not the only requirement for a successful event. The efficiency with which it is served proves to be critical, especially in those all-important breaks in the agenda where everybody wants a pep up before the next speaker enters the stage! Our baristas have perfected the art of producing a consistently great coffee like a well-oiled machine!
5. Friendliness and Sociability – In our opinion, the way in which your delegates are treated during their coffee experience, can make or break that person’s day… just like a first impression, the way our baristas treat the clients will either leave them beaming or literally a sour taste in their mouth. With us, the smile is just as important as the coffee.
6. Purpose and Commitment – Venues may get away with being good in some areas and not-so-good in others, but when your sole purpose at an event is to provide an amazing coffee experience there is nowhere to hide! We know very clearly… how we perform directly affects the chance of return business, so for us its GAME FACE on!
Getting Great Coffee at your next event is easy…
If you’d like a free quote and some expert advice on how to make you event memorable, simply click on the link below and we’ll get in touch: